Fall 2023

Volume 18, Issue 2




Knock, Knock          


The sound of panting, someone breathing hard. 

A radio crackles and an ANNOUNCER speaks.

ANNOUNCER (VO): Another missing person reported. 


The face of LILA SANFORD (20s). She's a mess. Bloody and dirty. She breathes hard and looks around frantically.

ANNOUNCER (VO): Could this be the work of the Knock Knock Killer? 

Lila stumbles through the street of a darkened neighborhood.

ANNOUNCER (VO): Authorities warn, stay inside. Keep your doors locked. 

Lila spies a house and runs toward it. 


Lila bangs on the door. The lights are on, but no one answers. 


Lila runs to the next door where a porch light is on. She glances back, as if someone is following, then knocks. 

LILA: Please. 

The porch light turns off. 


Lila searches the neighborhood. She runs toward another house with a darkened porch. 


Lila pounds on the door. The door cracks open and an eyeball appears. 

LILA: Help. Please. Help me. 

The eye looks Lila up and down. The door shuts and a door chain unhinges from the inside. 

The door opens again. BROCK TAYLOR (30s), creepy and mean, appears in the doorway. 

BROCK: What happened to you? 

LILA: It was awful. 

BROCK: You shouldn't be out at this time of night. 

A very slight, menacing smirk comes over Brock's face. 

BROCK:  There's a killer on the loose. 

LILA: I know! Please... 

Lila looks behind her. 

LILA: Can I come in? 

Brock cocks his head. 

BROCK: You wanna come in? 

Lila looks behind her again. 

LILA: Yes. Yes! 

In a grand gesture, Brock swings the door wide open and bows slightly. 

BROCK: By all means. Come in. 

Lila hesitates. 

BROCK: You want to stay out there? With the killer? 

Lila looks worried.

BROCK: Have it your way. 

Brock begins to close the door. 

LILA: Wait. 

With her hand, Lila stops the door from closing. She looks behind her.

LILA: Okay. Okay. 

Brock opens the door and smiles wickedly to himself as Lila walks past him into the house. 


Decorated with old furniture and lit by a single, dim light. A silent TV flickers. 

BROCK: Can I get you something to drink? 

LILA: Water. 

BROCK: Have a seat. 

Brock motions to the couch. 

Lila hugs herself tightly and sits. 

Brock disappears to the kitchen. 

Lila looks around. 

The house is messy. On the coffee table sits empty soda cans, old newspapers, an open bag of chips, and a book on serial killers. 

Brock walks back in holding a glass of water. 

BROCK:  I wasn't expecting company. 

Brock hands Lila the water, moves a TV tray aside, and sits in a big chair across from her. 

LILA: I shouldn’t have come here. 

Lila stands. 

Brock jumps up. 

BROCK: Now, hold on a minute. You're in no condition to leave. And it's not safe out there. 

Brock sounds more stern. 

BROCK: You should sit back down and drink your water.

Lila’s breathing quickens. She keeps her eyes on Brock as she takes a sip and sits down. 

Brock settles back down into his chair. 

BROCK: You look like you've been in a war. 

LILA: We should call the police. 

BROCK: That bad, huh? Is it as bad as...murder? 

Lila stares at Brock. She tries to remain composed, but tears form in her eyes. She whispers. 

LILA: Yes. 

Brock leans back in his chair and looks inappropriately pleased and excited. 

BROCK: Well now, ain't that a thing? 

Lila stares at him, a look of terror filling her eyes. 

BROCK: Look at you. So scared. Wait right here. I’ll get my phone. 

LILA: Your phone? 

BROCK: For the police. 

Brock leaves.  

Lila walks around the room. 

On a side table, she sees more books on serial killers and true crime. She thumbs through them, then comes across an open notebook. The handwriting on the page reads: "FIVE TOP WAYS TO COMMIT A MURDER."

BROCK (OS): I'm a true crime junkie. 

Lila drops the notebook and wheels around to find Brock standing very close to her.

BROCK: Fascinatin’ stuff. 

LILA: Yes, it is. 

BROCK: What you think he's like? The Knock Knock Killer? 

LILA: I think he's sick and needs help. 

BROCK: What if he's sane and just enjoys it? 

Brock takes a step toward Lila. 

She backs away. 

BROCK: Maybe he's lonely. Maybe no one ever comes to visit. 

Brock takes another step toward her. 

LILA: What are you doing? 

BROCK: Maybe he just wants to feel something. 

Brock steps toward her. 

LILA: Don't come any closer. 

BROCK: Maybe people have always looked at him like he's some kind-of freak, so he decided that's what he's gonna be.

He takes one more step toward her. 

LILA: Stop. I'm warning you. You don't know what I'm capable of. 

Brock holds something in his hand by his side. He raises it quickly making Lila jump. 

It’s a cell phone. 

Brock waves it back and forth in front of her face. 

BROCK: Girl, you sure spook easy. 

Lila glares at him a moment, then reaches for the phone. 

Brock pulls it back and holds it away from her. 

BROCK: You know, I've always thought the Knock Knock Killer was a woman. 

LILA: What do you mean? 

BROCK: How many people would invite a strange man into their home? 

LILA: I don't know. 

BROCK: But a woman. One pretending to be a victim. She'd get easy access. 

LILA: What are you saying? 

BROCK: I'm saying, Knock Knock, I got you! 

LILA: You're crazy! 

BROCK: I knew the second you knocked on the door who you were. 

Lila reaches for the cell phone, but falls to her knees, clutching her stomach. 

LILA: What's happening to me? 

BROCK: Someone has to keep people safe around here. The police ain't going to do it. 

Lila groans. 

LILA: The police. Call them... 

BROCK: They ain't going to do you no good. I took care of you once and for all. Knock, Knock. 

Lila clutches at her stomach and falls to the floor. 

LILA: What did you do?! 

BROCK: Poison. Tasteless and odorless. I put it in your water. 

Lila groans. 

LILA: You don’t understand. I was runn... Police... Call the pol...

Lila lets out one final sound, then closes her eyes. 

Brock looks at her. He pushes her a little with his foot. 

She doesn’t move. 

BROCK: I did it. Oh my god, I did it. I'm a hero. I'm gonna have interviews, sign autographs. They'll probably want me in the FBI. 

There is a knock on the door. 

Brock freezes. 

BROCK: Uh, just a minute! 

He turns in circles trying to figure out what to do. The knock on the door is louder. 

BROCK: Ah, hell. Coming. I’m coming. Hold your horses. 


Brock's door opens with the chain on. We see his eyeball. 

BROCK: Yeah? What is it? 

Brock sees the shadow of a MAN on his porch, tall and imposing. 

The voice of the stranger is deep and menacing. 

MAN: Knock, knock.





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